Helps for Your Helping Stones

Sunday, July 13, 2014

As For Me and My House

 This is a page in one of my journals. It could easily also be hung on the wall. it would just need a ribbon, wire, or cord hanger. I used watercolor pencils to "paint" it, and pretty much, it is just like coloring. Anyone can make art with watercolor pencils, and it is fun.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

In this chapter in Joshua, we see a Joshua who is close to the end of his service to the Israelites, and he has called them together to discuss their future. He reminds them of what God has done for them. He also reminds them that serving the Lord is a choice, and tells them right then if they want to serve another god, to choose him and get to it. But, Joshua and his house will serve the Lord. To make that statement, all in the house must have followed his lead; his family and his servants. I am surmising that did not happen without teaching and discussing, and making God a topic of conversation regularly.

We have learned from the Israelites that it does not work to pledge service to God and never think about it again. That is how idols become interesting and God gets forgotten. Serving the Lord is an ongoing, continual decision.

Make your piece of art to remind yourself and your family. Discuss it. Put it where everyone can see it and be reminded.

 To make this, you need:

  • watercolor paper, lightweight: 90 lb. (you can buy this in a pad or by the sheet at your craft store.
  • watercolor pencils (These come in a set. Take your weekly coupon to your local craft store and you can get a set of 24 for just a couple dollars. The inexpensive set works just as well as the expensive. Isn't that great?)
  • permanent black marker (use a fine Sharpie or a Micron pen. You can also use an expensive brand if you are dying to spend a bunch of money.)
  • Sharpie markers in colors you like or want, to add to your art
  • a water brush or a round paintbrush with some clean water (a water brush is a hollow plastic brush that you fill with water)
  • #2 pencil
  • eraser
  • a print out of the pattern (you will find it by clicking on the free patterns tab at the top of the page)
  • Optional: a copy making store. You need a commercial printer. The ink jet printer on your desk will not make a waterproof copy. The big machine at the copy store that uses toner will make a waterproof copy) You will not be able to use the copy machine transfer if this is on a page in your journal.

Here is what you do:
1. Transfer the pattern on to your watercolor paper, following the pattern transfer tutorial. Or you can print out the pattern, put the watercolor paper in the copier, and copy the pattern to the watercolor paper with the push of a button.

 2. Loosely color in all sections with watercolor pencils. See Tutorial for coloring techniques.

 3. Using the water brush or the paintbrush with clean water, brush over the watercolor pencil color, one section at a time (see the bottom left section of the design). This gives your work a watercolor-y look. 

4. When the paint is dry, outline and add details with Sharpie markers (bottom left section).

5. With black marker, add any scripture verse you want.

Frame it, hang it, tack it to the bulletin board.....

Practice hospitality (Romans 12:13),

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